瑞士皮勒特斯飞机有限公司已选定利顿阿麦康公司的LR—100 ESM接收机,充实其PC—12“天鹰”侦察机的任务航空电子设备系统.除了LR—100,“天鹰”上的传感器还有:德费系统公司的通信电子支援系统接收机、得克萨斯仪器公司的FLIR以及洛克希德马丁公司或得克萨斯仪器公司的合成孔径雷达.LR—10O最初是为UAV应用设计的,去年,美国军方的联合指挥与控制战中心(JC~2WC)已在海军的中国湖试验场完成了LR—100的飞行试验.
PELLETS, Switzerland, has selected Litton’s Amicom LR-100 ESM receiver to complement its mission-critical avionics system for its PC-12 Skyhawk reconnaissance aircraft In addition to the LR-100, The Hawks also include Texas Instruments’ communications electronics support system receivers, FLIR from Texas Instruments and Synthetic Aperture Radars from Lockheed Martin or Texas Instruments. The LR-10O was originally designed for UAV applications Last year, the U.S. Army’s Joint Command and Control Operations Center (JC-2WC) completed the flight test of the LR-100 at the Navy’s China Lake Experimental Site.