据了解,1998年以来,全省医疗市场普遍滑坡,一个重要指标显示,就是林林总总的医院的病床使用率在80%左右就算比较好的。但是,在宜宾市第一人民医院,去年1—8月的病床使用率平均超过95%,有时超过100%,这无不令圈内人士啧啧称奇! 翻开该院史料,4年多来门诊人数和住院人数逐年上升,业务收入屡创新高。1998年,医院总收入突破4200万元,固定资产超过3600万,与1993年底相比较,分别是原来的4倍和6倍。市级“四好”班子、扶贫工作
It is understood that since 1998, the province’s medical market has generally declined. An important indicator shows that even hospitals with a total hospital occupancy rate of about 80% are better. However, at the First People’s Hospital of Yibin City, the bed-use rate from January to August last year averaged more than 95%, sometimes exceeding 100%, which made everyone in the circle wonder! Turning over the hospital’s historical data, the number of outpatients and hospital admissions has increased year by year over the past four years, and business revenue has been consistently hitting record highs. In 1998, the hospital’s total revenue exceeded 42 million yuan, and its fixed assets exceeded 36 million. Compared with the end of 1993, it was 4 times and 6 times that of the original. Municipal “Four Good” team, poverty alleviation work