1948年,英国皇家海军H·C·罗纳德上 校受命着手建立印海军航空兵。1950年10 月,在英国皇家海军的帮助下,印度开始建 造海军航空兵所需的必要设施。1953年4月, 印度海军第一架战机加入科钦加鲁达海航站 的舰队调配分队。1959年6月该舰队调配分 队被改编成为海军第一支航空兵部队——第 550海航中队。随后,在1961年印海军购买 了第一艘航空母舰——“维克兰特”号。1961 年果阿解放后,印海军航空兵司令部即在此 地设立。
In 1948, Colonel HC C. Ronald of the Royal Navy was instrumental in establishing Indian Navy Air Force. In October 1950, with the help of the British Royal Navy, India began to build the necessary facilities for naval aviation. In April 1953, the first Indian Navy aircraft joined the fleet deployment unit of Cochin Garuda Hachang Airport. In June 1959, the fleet deployment unit was adapted into the first Navy aviation unit - the 550th Squadron. Subsequently, in 1961 the Indian Navy purchased the first aircraft carrier - the “Vikrant”. After the liberation of Goa in 1961, the Indian Naval Air Command was established here.