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  About the Author and This Work
  Charlotte Bronte shows herself as a great artist of verbal painting. Her descriptions of the natural scenery, as seen through the eyes of Jane Eyre at the different times of her life, and of the inner world of this sensitive, passionate girl are marvelous. They, together with the gothic horror of the mysterious woman in the attic of Thornfield, with Jane’s own paintings and dreams, with the extraordinary natural or supernatural phenomena such as the split chestnut tree and the telepathic call of Mr. Rochester, make the world of Jane Eyre a perfect combination of realism and romanticism.
  Plot Summary
  I read the famous and influential book Jane Eyre which made a hit in the literary world when it first came into being. More than 100 famous scholars recommended this book and many people were attracted by it very much. The story was fictional and was considered one of the first romantic novels, containing both passion and mystery.
  The novel goes through five distinct stages:1. Jane's childhood at Gateshead Hall, where she was emotionally and physically abused by her aunt and cousins; 2.her education at Lowood School, where she acquired friends and role models but also suffered privations and oppression; 3.her time as governess at Thornfield Hall, where she falled in love with Edward Rochester; 4.her time with the Rivers family, during which her earnest but cold clergyman cousin, St John Rivers, proposed to her; 5.and finally her marriage with her beloved Rochester.
  Analysis of Chapter XXXVII
  Jane traveled to Ferndean. When she arrived, she saw Rochester reach a hand out of the door, testing for rain. He looked physically strong still, but his face was sad and desperate. Rochester returned inside, Jane knocked and talked with the servants at the door then entered the house. Jane carried a tray to Rochester who is unable to see her. When he recognized Jane's voice, he thought at first that she was a ghost or spirit speaking to him. When he caught her hand, he took her in his arms, brimming with emotion. Rochester asked her to marry him, Jane joyfully accepted and she promised never to leave him again. The next morning they walked through the woods, Jane updated Rochester about her new wealth and led him on about St. John, jokingly using jealousy to distract him from misery. Rochester told Jane about his new relationship with God. He felt punished for his pride and now prays regularly. He asked her again to marry him, and she said yes — they are now free from the specter of Bertha Mason. Rochester told Jane that a few nights earlier, in a moment of desperation, he called out her name and heard her responses. She didn’t wish to upset him or excite him in his fragile condition, so she didn’t tell him about hearing his voice at Moor House.   Characterization
  Major characters: Jane Eyre and Edward Rochester
  The major characters in this book are Jane Eyre and Edward Rochester. In my point of view, Jane is a plain-featured, honest, intelligent and independent girl who has great sense of self-dignity as well as strong belief in gender and social equality. Rochester is a wealthy but direct, straightforward and unconventional man with great passion, even a little rash and impetuous, however, these two people meet and wipe out the sparks of love, read the book carefully, it is not difficult to find some similarities in them, both are independent and strong-minded people who is full of candor, who lives by heart—not by the society’s rules. I think it is the same belief they hold that support their true love.
  Although Rochester is superior to Jane in social class and economic level, and while men were widely considered to be naturally superior to women in the Victorian period, Jane is always intellectually equal to Rochester. Despite the difference in backgrounds and social status, when Jane is present, Mr. Rochester feels a sort of emotional peace and has a kind spirit to Jane. Meanwhile, Mr. Rochester is also particularly important to Jane because he provides her with the unconditional love and a sense of family that she has never experienced before.
  Female Consciousness
  Charlotte Bronte’s masterpiece--Jane Eyre is one of the most popular and important novels of the Victorian Age. It is famous for its sharp criticism of the religious hypocrisy of charity institutions like Lowood School where poor, unwanted girls are trained to be humble slaves through constant starvation and humiliation for its rebuke of the social discrimination and false conventions about love and marriage. Charlotte did use a distinct awareness of women to model Jane Eyre as an independent woman constantly strive to stand on her own feet. People see a new image of women: self-esteem, self-respect, self-reliance, self-improvement, courageous and firm. Jane Eyre has become an ideal and a pursuit, if a woman wants a real self-realization she must adhere to the ideals and aspirations. Jane’s declaration to Mr. Rochester of her equality with him is really a declaration of the women of middle class and all classes.
  Nevertheless, although to our delight, the story end with a happy ending, we have no choice but to admit that at that time Jane, in spite of, had a sense of feminism, she can’t escape to be the product of the patriarchal culture, she could not escape from the influence of the traditional concept. On the one hand, she called on equality, freedom and self-respect; on the other hand, she could hardly deny the role of traditional female — to be an angel at home, serving for husband and taking care of children.
  試论简·爱性格的刻画 作者:肖玉林
  ——《郴州师范高等专科学校学报》 2001年 6 月第 22卷 第 3 期
  从女性主义视角解读《简·爱》 作者:朴明珠
  王媛媛(第一作者), 女, 浙江人, 浙江师范大学行知学院文学分院英语专业 2012 级学生。
  任蕴莹(第二作者), 女, 浙江人,浙江师范大学行知学院文学分院英语专业 2012 级学生。
摘 要:后浇带的设置不仅能够有效地降低沉降的发生,而且还可以解决、减小温度收缩影响和收缩应力。地下室后浇带设置作为建筑工程施工中的重要环节,且后澆带施工的质量好坏对建筑结构的稳定性和安全性具有直接的影响。在建筑地下室后浇带施工过程中,必须按照施工方案的设计、规范以及工程的具体情况对后浇带的位置进行合理的设置,从而可以解决长期困扰施工人员的问题以及减少后浇带施工的难度,提高保后浇带的施工质量,提高工
This semester I have read a book named Death of a Salesman which is published by China Translation and Publishing Corporation in 1999.The author is an American playwright and essayist, Arthur Miller.
摘 要:在房屋建筑、桥梁工程、地下工程以及其它一些基础设施施工中,房屋深基坑支护技术得到有效应用。该技术应用的作用就是确保主体工程基础部分的顺利开展,而成功的支护对工程经济效益、施工安全以及工程进度产生一定的推动作用。本文简单介绍了房屋深基坑支护技术,并将目前存在的一些问题指出,并根据施工方案对其施工措施进行了简要论述。  关键词:房屋建筑;深基坑支护;施工措施  一、房屋深基坑支护介绍  目前,
摘 要:房屋建筑工程施工中,经常会由于种种因素造成房屋建筑施工中混凝土有裂缝问题,给房屋建筑埋下安全隐患,不仅对房屋的美观造成影响,而且还会缩短房屋整体的使用期限,严重时会导致房屋有坍塌问题出现,对使用者的生命健康安全造成影响。本文简要阐述了房屋施工中混凝土裂缝产生的原因及处理方法。  关键词:房屋建筑;裂缝问题;存在问题;处理方法  一、房屋建筑施工过程中裂缝产生的原因  1.施工技术不当造成房
摘 要:房屋建筑外墙保温施工技术的应用可以加快我国节能建筑的发展进程,为我国迈入节能型社会奠定坚实的基础。本文主要从笔者自身的实际实践入手,探讨了外墙保温技术加强的重要性以及房屋建筑顽强保温施工技术,希望对行业内人员提供有效的借鉴作用。  关键词:房屋建筑;外墙保温;施工技术;施工工艺  一、加强外墙保温技术的重要性  1.保护主体结构,延长建筑物寿命  建筑物都有一定的使用年限,消费者在买房时其
摘 要:作为国民经济发展的主要支柱产业,工程建设施工质量与国民经济增长具有至关重要的作用。在我国市场经济不断完善的过程中,工程建设行业也得到了极大的发展。工程施工质量管理作为一项系统性工程,对建设产品的质量具有关键性的作用。本文主要对工程施工质量管理的概况、影响因素及措施进行了分析与探究。  关键词:工程项目;质量管理;概况;影响因素;措施  一、质量管理的概况  质量管理是指确定质量方针、目标和
摘 要:目前,混凝土在当前的建筑施工中得到了广泛应用,它的模板施工技术在建筑结构施工上的应用也促进了施工工程的发展,因为在建筑工程施工中,模板工程的成本就要占总成本的三分之一左右,而混凝土建筑结构模板施工技术可以加快工程进度、节约工程成本、提高工程效益。但是此项技术实际操作起来还是比较复杂的,所以工作人员为了保证整个工程最终的质量,必须熟练的掌握混凝土构件的设计与工艺要求,本文就主要分析和介绍了此
摘 要:适应全面推进依法治国要求,探索检察委员会制度改革创新与科学发展,需要对原来的检察委员会制度与实践进行反思。当前应抓好检察委员会决策主体自身规范化、议题内容范围规范化、会议议事程序规范化、办事机构规范化四个方面的检察委員会规范化建设。  关键词:检委会;规范化;问题;对策  一、引言  党的十八届四中全会通过的《中共中央关于全面推进依法治国若干重大问题的决定》明确提出了“必须完善司法管理体制
摘 要:东莞可园位于东莞市莞城区博厦,与顺德清晖园、番禺余荫山房、佛山梁园并称清代广东四大名园。通过对青苔形成的条件、以及对可园古建筑的青苔防治工作的探索与总结,抛砖引玉,以引起人们对古建筑保护的关注。  关键词:可园;古建筑;青苔防治;保护  东莞可园位于东莞市莞城区博厦,与顺德清晖园、番禺余荫山房、佛山梁园并称清代广东四大名园,是岭南建筑艺术的瑰宝。岭南地区有着非常肥沃的土地,其烧出来的青砖耐
摘 要:自媒体是信息传播的途径之一,其可以利用博客、论坛以及即时通讯等媒介作为载体,进行个人性质的信息传播。利用这种信息传播模式,很多人都可以成为记者。随着社会的发展以及信息技术的进步,当前社会进入了自媒体时代,其传播信息的方式有很多种,较为常见是多向主动传播模式,传播者利用网络技术可以将档案信息资源发布在互联网中,其可以向不同的人群与用户传播,而且传播的步骤比较简单,人们获取信息的途径也比较方便