一个地区就是一个社会。这一层次的社会运行的质态如何,关键取决于地方政策的制定。政策出台的时机、效果以及政策本身的优劣,直接关系到社会控制问题。本人一直在县(市)这一层次工作,对此感触颇深,现就这方面的问题谈些粗浅的认识。 1.制定社会政策要掌握的要素 (1)是否必要。社会运行中的新事物、新现象较多,不是每一个都要制定相应的社会政策。只有那些对社会运行产生重大影响且必须通过政策行
A region is a society. The quality of this level of social operation depends on the formulation of local policies. The timing and effect of policies and the pros and cons of policies themselves are directly related to the issue of social control. I have always been working at this level in the counties (cities) and are deeply touched by this. I now have some superficial understanding on these issues. 1. To formulate social policy to grasp the elements (1) is necessary. There are many new things and new phenomena in the operation of society. Not every social policy should be formulated accordingly. Only those that have a major impact on social functioning must pass the policy