Protoplasts were isolated and cultured using cotyledons and hypocotyls of Casia obtusifolia L. as materials. The results showed that the cotyledons and hypocotyls of 15-day-old sterile seedlings were suitable for free protoplasts, and the yield of protoplast per 1g material was as high as 1.6 × 104. PectolyaseY-23 was necessary for the isolation of protoplasts. 2,4-D0.4mg / L (the same units below), NAA1.0 and KT0.1 KM8P floating culture conducive to protoplast division. After 4 days of culture, the protoplasts began to divide. After 15 days, their protoplast rate was about 19.2%. After 30 days, cell masses or small callus were formed. Proliferation callus cultured on differentiation medium can differentiate buds. Buds in the rooting medium for 14 days after rooting, regeneration Cassia small plants.