The ER2209 welding wire was used to weld the duplex stainless steel SAF2205 and the micro-alloyed pipeline steel X65 by gas-tight gas welding, and the dissimilar steel welded joints with good mechanical properties were obtained.The microstructure observation and compositional analysis of different regions of the welded joints showed that the micro- There exists a different type of fusion zone between the stainless steel weld and the second type of boundary line, there is Ni, Cr concentration gradient distribution in the fusion zone and the hardness is higher than the weld and base metal on both sides. The impact test tests the mechanical properties of the welded joints and obtains the polarization curves of the different parts of the joints in 1mol.L-1NaCl solution. Tensile specimens fracture occurred in the relatively low strength microalloyed steel base metal. The notch tensile strength and impact toughness are slightly lower than the duplex stainless steel base metal, but the corrosion potential slightly higher than the base metal.Micro-alloy steel heat affected zone and the parent material mechanical properties, corrosion potential slightly higher than the base metal.