一年一度的奥斯卡奖已经揭晓。在三月三十日晚举行的第五十九届颁奖仪式上,颇有争议的越南战争影片《野战排》(platoon又译《小分队》或《步兵排》),力克呼声很高的英国风俗喜剧片《风景优美的房间》,一举囊托了最佳影片、最佳导演、最佳剪辑、最佳音响四项大奖。这是自一九七八年《猎鹿人》夺魁以来反战片的一次卫冕成功。上座情况也不错。耗资六百万美元,但票房收入迄今已达百万美元。 《野战排》在电影如何表现越南战争上确有一定的突破。它既不象《现代启示录》着力渲染这场战争的破坏仕,也不象《第一滴血》把退伍军人美化成超人的英雄,而是多角度地挖掘战争中的复杂人性,描写战争对人与人关系的影响,表现美军士兵们之间的相互残杀,从而揭露越南战争的残酷恐怖。
The annual Academy Awards have been announced. At the 59th Awards Ceremony on the evening of March 30, the controversial Vietnam War film “Platoon” (translated as “Detachment” or “Infantry Row”), Lectra Popular comedies “scenic room”, in one fell swoop opted for the best film, best director, best clip, best sound four awards. This is a successful anti-war film defeat since the “Deer Hunter” took over in 1978. Sitting on the situation is not bad. It cost six million dollars, but box-office receipts have so far reached one million dollars. “Field Pai Pai” in the movie how to show the Vietnam War does have a certain breakthrough. It does not strive to render such a war sabotage as Modern Apocalypse, nor is it the “First Blood” that beautifies veterans into superhuman heroes. Instead, it digs the complex human nature of the war and describes the war The impact on the relationship between people, the performance of each other between the US soldiers to kill, in order to expose the cruel terror in the Vietnam War.