The United States, “Western Medicine,” Volume 136, No. 4 reported: from the 1940s to the 1960s, diethylstilbestrol (DES) treatment of various pregnancy complications, especially for the treatment of threatened abortion. In 1971, when extensive data were collected that clear-cell adenocarcinoma and vaginal adenopathy were associated with DES taking during pregnancy, mothers of sick young women started to raise concerns about prenatal exposure to DES. Later, the concern about the destructive effects of DES on the developing male fetus through the placenta. After 25 years of follow-up comparison or subsequent double-blind study on subjects with DES to prevent the adverse effects of pregnancy, male fetuses exposed to DES were found to have epidural cysts, testicular hypoplasia, or both. Of the 308 DES infants, 31.5% had epididymal cyst, testicular hypoplasia, or both, and 307 of the placebo