Since the introduction of the TIA / EIA-568B standard, Gigabit cabling systems have started to be used. However, many designers, contractors, and users are neglecting a potential design flaw, fire risk, while pursuing speed. Most users choose the communication cable based on electrical performance requirements, and cable fire rating requirements are often ignored. According to the statistics of the fire department, in the fire that occurred in our country, about half of the fires caused by the electrical accidents occurred. In electrical fires, fires due to the aging and overload of wire and cable account for a large proportion. Although the strong electric cable can not cause fire, but after the fire, due to the flammability of the insulating sheathing material, once the weak electric cable is involved in the fire, the fire spread rapidly and the fire is fierce. At the same time, it will also release a large amount of smoke and poisonous gas, Serious threat to human lives and equipment safety. How to reduce the potential safety hazard and improve the safety of the system has become the primary safety issue of many new buildings. In this paper, according to the current status quo, the current cabling industry in the fire protection standards and product selection issues are discussed.