CJZ3,a Iomerizine derivative,modulates P-glycoprotein function in rat brain microvessel endothelial

来源 :Acta Pharmacologica Sinica | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:gqkhao
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Aim:To investigate the modulatory effect of CJZ3,a lomerizine derivative,onP-glycoprotein(P-gp)function in rat brain microvessel endothelial cells(RBMEC).Methods:RBMEC were isolated and cultured in Dulbecco’s modified Eagle’s me-dium/F12(1:1)medium,and the amount of intracellular rhodamine 123(Rh 123)wasdetermined using a fluorescence spectrophotometer to evaluate the modulatoryeffect of CJZ3 on P-gp function.Results:The accumulation of Rh 123 was poten-tiated in a concentration-dependent manner after incubation with CJZ3 for RBMEC,but not for human umbilical vein endothelial cells(HUVEC).CJZ3 caused theaccumulation of intracellular Rh123 in a time-dependent manner and significantlydecreased the effiux of Rh 123 from the cells.The inhibitory effect of CJZ3 on P-gpfunction was reversible and remained for 120 min after CJZ3(2.5 μmol/L)wasremoved from the medium.Conclusion:CJZ3 has a potent in vitro effect on theinhibition of P-gp function. Aim: To investigate the modulatory effect of CJZ3, a lomerizine derivative, onP-glycoprotein (P-gp) function in rat brain microvessel endothelial cells (RBMEC). Methods: RBMEC were isolated and cultured in Dulbecco’s modified Eagle’s me- dium / F12 1: 1) medium, and the amount of intracellular rhodamine 123 (Rh 123) was determined using a fluorescence spectrophotometer to evaluate the modulatory effect of CJZ3 on P-gp function. Results: The accumulation of Rh 123 was poten- tiated in a concentration-dependent manner after incubation with CJZ3 for RBMEC, but not for human umbilical vein endothelial cells (HUVEC) .CJZ3 caused the accumulation of intracellular Rh123 in a time-dependent manner and significantly decreased the effiux of Rh 123 from the cells. inhibitory effect of CJZ3 on P -gpfunction was reversible and remained for 120 min after CJZ3 (2.5 μmol / L) was removed from the medium. Confluence: CJZ3 has a potent in vitro effect on the inhibition of P-gp function.
[摘 要]本文简要阐述了企业知识管理的内涵,提出了企业知识管理实践的分享契约、动态增值、评价激励原则,并进一步论述了企业知识管理实施的组织保障、技术保障和制度保障体系。  [关键词] 企业;知识管理;策略    全球经济一体化趋势的日益加剧,新技术、新生产方式持续不断地出现,促使企业赖于生存的市场环境日趋复杂和多变。市场环境与市场需求的不断变化,使企业的市场反应速度不断加快,资源协调能力不断提高,
王学民 ,男 ,1 94 5年 2月出生于河南商水县 ,1 96 9年毕业于兰州大学地质地理系 ,先后在陕西临潼县、蓝田县工作2 0余年。现为西安联合大学党委书记、一级编剧、《唐都学刊
从实验和计算两个角度研究液体金属脆机理 .利用第一原理和陈难先三维晶格反演方法获得Al Ga和Ga Ga有效对势 .运用分子动力学研究液态金属吸附对位错发射的影响 .模拟结果表
【摘要】信息技术当前已经与社会生活各个方面息息相关,高中信息技术课也需要注重学生动手能力的培养。新课改不断深入下,高中信息技术课整体教学质量需要得到迅速提升,提高课堂教学效率也是相关教师的首要任务。通过研究可以发现,大部分高中的信息技术课堂效率相对低下,陈旧的教学法更加制约着课堂效率提升。本文也将就高中信息技术课堂效率提高等问题进行研究,并对于如何提高其课堂效率提出具体建议。  【关键词】信息技术
Aim:To construct a sustained drug release system for basic fibroblast growthfactor(bFGF).With this special system,bFGF can be used to repair an injuredperipher