中毒性休克综合征作为一种新的疾病首先由Todd及其同事在1978年报告,7名病人均为青少年(8~17岁)。临床表现特点是高热、头痛、皮肤弥漫红斑、结膜充血、猩红热样发疹、皮下水肿、呕吐、水泻、少尿、急性肾功能衰竭、肝功异常、DIC及早期发生的严重而长时间的休克。学者们推测是局部产生的金葡菌外毒素吸收入血引起的全身性反应,因之命名为中毒性休克综合征(Toxic-shock syndrome,TSS)。 本文目的在于将近几年来国外有关的报告做一综述,引起临床工作者的注意,以提高诊疗水平。
Toxic shock syndrome as a new disease was first reported by Todd and colleagues in 1978, all of 7 patients were adolescents (8-17 years). Clinical manifestations are characterized by fever, headache, diffuse erythema of the skin, conjunctival hyperemia, scarlet fever-like rash, subcutaneous edema, vomiting, diarrhea, oliguria, acute renal failure, abnormal liver function, DIC and severe early and long-term shock. Scholars speculate that locally produced S. aureus exotoxin intro- duces a systemic reaction into the bloodstream, hence the name Toxic-shock syndrome (TSS). The purpose of this article is to review the relevant reports in recent years and draw the attention of clinicians to improve the diagnosis and treatment.