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七十年代以来,能源危机已成为世界性的问题。我国大部份工矿企业由于管理水平和技术水平落后,在使用能源方面存在着严重不合理现象和巨大的浪费。例如,日本和我国的能源消耗大体相当,而生产总值却为我国的4.2倍,这是非常值得我们深思的问题。为了响应党的十二大号召,加速四化建设的进程,实现到本世纪末国民经济总产值翻两番的宏伟战略目标,必须把有限的人力、财力和物力非常有效地用在社会主义各项建设上。能源是实现四化的重要物质基础,合理和节约利用能源是我们当前迫切需要解决的一个重要问题。热处理是改善材料性能和提高机械产品质量以及使用寿命的重要手段,也是消耗能 Since the 1970s, the energy crisis has become a worldwide problem. Most industrial and mining enterprises in our country have serious unreasonable phenomena and enormous waste in the use of energy because of their backward management and technical standards. For example, Japan and China consume roughly the same amount of energy, but their GDP is 4.2 times that of our country. This is a question that deserves our deep consideration. In response to the call of the Party’s 12th National Congress, speeding up the process of building the four modernizations and realizing the grand strategic goal of quadrupling the output value of the national economy by the end of this century, we must use the limited manpower, financial resources and material resources in socialism very effectively. Construction. Energy is an important material basis for realizing the four modernizations. The rational and economical use of energy is an important issue that we urgently need to solve. Heat treatment is to improve the material properties and improve the quality of mechanical products, as well as an important means of service life, but also energy consumption
代主任、副主任、秘书长、各位委员:  我受省人民政府委托,向省十届人大常委会第三十四次会议报告今年以来我省国民经济和社会发展计划执行情况以及下阶段的主要工作。    一、今年以来我省国民经济和社会发展计划执行情况    今年以来,全省上下坚持以邓小平理论和“三个代表”重要思想为指导,以科学发展观为统领,坚决贯彻中央宏观调控政策,认真抓好省十届人大五次会议确定的各项目标任务的落实,全省经济呈现平稳协
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