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《义务教育语文课程标准》指出:“正确把握语文教育的特点。”也就是说,在初中语文教学过程中,教师要认真贯彻落实课改基本理念,要正确把握初中语文教学的特点,并组织多样化的教学活动来展现语文课程的魅力,进而为学生健全地发展做好保障工作。因此,为了确保课程价值最大化实现,也为了保护学生的学习兴趣,提高学生的课堂参与度,更为了高效语文课堂的顺利实现,在素质教育下,教师要正确把握初中语文教育特点,以促使学生获得健康全面的发展。 That is to say, in the process of Chinese teaching in junior high school, teachers should conscientiously implement the basic idea of ​​curriculum reform, correctly grasp the characteristics of Chinese teaching in junior high school, And organize a variety of teaching activities to demonstrate the charm of the Chinese curriculum, and thus make good security for students to develop the work. Therefore, in order to ensure the maximization of the curriculum value, and also to protect the students ’interest in learning, improve students’ classroom participation, and to achieve the successful realization of a highly effective Chinese class, under the quality education, teachers should correctly grasp the characteristics of Chinese education in junior high schools in order to promote Students get healthy and comprehensive development.
摘 要:就多媒体技术在语文教学中的应用论述以下三个问题:多媒体教学的优势;多媒体教学中存在的弊端;如何合理运用多媒体技术,扬长避短,切实地服务于教学。侧重论述第三个问题,从以下三个方面展开:首先要以教学性为出发点,其次要以学生为中心,再次要尊重语文学科的规律和特点。  关键词:多媒体;语文教学;运用  当今社会以计算机为媒介的新生活方式改变着每一个人,在教育领域也是如此。有关资料表明,通过恰当的方