为在孕中期对胎儿进行有关遗传病方面的产前诊断,对15例有产前诊断要求孕指征的孕妇抽羊水细胞培养,现将结果报告如下。1 资料和方法11 研究对象 对遗传门诊的病例中的15例有产前诊断指征的孕妇进行了羊水细胞培养,有关情况见表1。表1 产前诊断指征羊水培养?
For the fetus in the second trimester for genetic diagnosis of prenatal diagnosis of 15 cases of prenatal diagnosis of gestational symptoms pregnant women pumping amniotic fluid cell culture, the results reported below. 1 Materials and Methods 1.1 The study of genetic outpatient cases in 15 cases of prenatal diagnosis of pregnant women were subjected to amniotic fluid cell culture, the situation in Table 1. Table 1 prenatal diagnosis indications Amniotic fluid culture?