1949年10月7 日,西路人民解放军二、六军指战员在王震将军的率领下,沿甘肃酒泉的茫茫大漠向新疆进军,争取解放新疆的彻底胜利。 10万大军进疆后,遇到了一系列困难和挑战,而更为突出的是,官兵普遍大龄化,团以下官兵几乎都是清一色的“光棍汉”,将士普遍想家。而国民党部队起义后被改编为人民解放军第22兵团的10万官兵中, 这一问题同样突出。
On October 7, 1949, under the leadership of General Wang Zhen, the officers and soldiers of the 2nd and 6th People’s Liberation Army People’s Liberation Army marched along the vast desert of Jiuquan in Gansu to fight for the complete victory of liberating Xinjiang. After the 100,000 troops entered Xinjiang, they encountered a series of difficulties and challenges. What is even more outstanding is that the officers and soldiers have generally become older. Almost all of the officers and soldiers below the regiment are almost all “bachelor handers” who generally think of their families. This issue is equally prominent among the 100,000 officers and men who were adapted into the 22nd Corps of the People’s Liberation Army after the Kuomintang troops were uprooted.