通过对第1,2代玉米螟各虫态发生期、发生量和为害率的连续调查结果分析表明 :玉米螟各代的虫量基数只是影响当代发生程度的因素之一 ,并不能决定发生程度。玉米螟的发生程度与当代发生数量呈正相关 ,与田间落卵量关系更为密切 ,与发生时期关系不大。发生数量与发生历期呈正相关 ,第1,2代玉米螟的发生程度没有必然的联系 ,而表现为间断性和相对独立性。第2代玉米螟的田间产卵量是第1代玉米螟的3.75~7.1倍 ,造成玉米被害率成倍增加。
The results of successive surveys on the occurrence, occurrence and damage rates of the first and second generation corn borer insects showed that the base number of corn borer generations was only one of the factors influencing the current occurrence degree and could not determine the occurrence degree . The occurrence of corn borer is positively correlated with the number of occurrence and the relationship with the amount of oats in the field is more closely related, but has little to do with the occurrence. There was a positive correlation between the number of occurrences and the occurrence period. The occurrences of the first and second generations of Ostrinia furnacalis were not necessarily related, but showed intermittent and relative independence. The second generation of corn borer eggs in the field is 3.75 ~ 7.1 times the first generation of corn borer, resulting in double the rate of corn damage.