患儿杨某,男,3岁半。发热3天,伴咳嗽、流涕,喉中有痰,纳食减少,不吐不泻。查T 39.2℃,面色红赤、神差。咽红,双扁桃体Ⅰ°肿大,未见脓栓。双肺可闻及痰鸣音,心率140次/分,律齐,未闻及杂音。腹软,肝在右胁下1.5cm处,质软。舌红苔薄黄脉细数。实验室检查WBC 4.2×10~9/L,N:64%,L:39%,ALT 8U/L。诊断:急性支气管炎,给予青霉素320万U,加入10%G.S 100ml中静滴,穿琥宁注射液8ml加入10%G.S.100ml中静滴,均每日1次,另口服急
Yang children, male, 3 and a half years old. Fever for 3 days, with cough, runny nose, sputum in the throat, decreased sodium intake, vomiting without diarrhea. Check T 39.2 ℃, looking red red, poor God. Throat red, double tonsil I ° enlargement, no suppository. Mouth lungs can be heard and phlegm sounds, heart rate 140 beats / min, Law Qi, no smell and noise. Abdominal soft, liver 1.5cm at the right tip, soft. Red tongue thin yellow vein fine. Laboratory tests WBC 4.2 × 10 ~ 9 / L, N: 64%, L: 39%, ALT 8U / L. Diagnosis: acute bronchitis, given penicillin 320 million U, added 10% G.S 100ml intravenous infusion, chuanhuning injection 8ml added 10% G.S.100ml in intravenous infusion, were daily 1, the other oral emergency