设置空白、无氮、配方施肥、常规施肥4个水平,选用淮稻5号、南粳44、淮稻10号3个品种,分析配方施肥在里下河地区的应用效应。结果表明,配方施肥较常规施肥增产15.4%~21.3%,南粳44产量表现最高,淮稻10号产量增幅变大;配方施肥处理单株成穗数、穗数均显著多于常规施肥,每穗粒数极显著高于常规施肥,但结实率稍低于常规施肥,而两者千粒重差异不明显;配方施肥处理的群体最适宜,前期具有早发优势,中期无效分蘖少,后期穗数适宜且量足,保证良好的源库结构;配方施肥的施氮量少,却能获得更高的产量,具有更高的氮素产出比,达36.155 82~37.455 43,极显著高于常规施肥,南粳44的氮素产出比最高。配方施肥较常规施肥极显著地增高产量、提高氮素利用效率和改善水稻生态环境。
Four blank varieties were set up, including no nitrogen, formula fertilizer and conventional fertilization. Three varieties Huaiyao 5, Nanjing 44 and Huaiyao 10 were selected to analyze the application effect of formula fertilization in Lixiahe area. The results showed that the formula fertilization increased 15.4% ~ 21.3% compared with conventional fertilization, the highest yield of Nanjing 44, and the increase of output of Huai 10 on the other hand. The number of spikelets per plant and the number of spikes per plant were significantly higher than those of conventional fertilization The grain number per spike was significantly higher than that of conventional fertilization, but the seed setting rate was slightly lower than that of conventional fertilization, but the difference of 1000-grain weight between the two was insignificant. The population with formula fertilization was the most suitable, with early onset predominance in early stage, less tillering in middle stage, And the amount of enough to ensure a good structure of the source library; formula fertilizer less nitrogen, but can get higher yields, with higher nitrogen yield, reaching 36.155 82 ~ 37.455 43, extremely significantly higher than the conventional fertilization , Nanjing 44 had the highest nitrogen yield. Compared with conventional fertilization, formula fertilization significantly increased yield, increased nitrogen use efficiency and improved rice ecological environment.