研究了流动淡水中钢的腐蚀行为及影响因素 .试验结果表明 ,动水中A3钢和 16Mn钢的腐蚀明显加快 ;在试验流速 0~ 6 .2m/s范围内 ,均存在与最大腐蚀速率相应的临界流速值 ;动水中钢的腐蚀由电化学腐蚀和流体力学因素引起的机械磨蚀两部分组成 ,且腐蚀形态以坑蚀为主
The corrosion behavior and influential factors of steel in flowing freshwater were studied.The results showed that the corrosion rate of A3 steel and 16Mn steel in moving water was obviously accelerated.At the experimental flow rate range of 0-6.2m / Critical flow rate; hydrodynamic steel corrosion by the electrochemical corrosion and hydrodynamic factors caused by the mechanical abrasion of two parts, and the corrosion of pits based