文献报道的氰戊菊酯半抗原结构有多种,分别从氰戊菊酯二苯醚和α-氰基部位引出连接臂合成人工抗原。为了探寻抗体与目标分子互作取向规律,以氰戊菊酯为载体,基于半抗原不同连接臂位点,同时也考虑到二苯醚和α-氰基结构为多种菊酯农药所共有,因此从其特征结构氰戊菊酸苯环结构上引出连接臂位点设计了一种新半抗原,采用α-异丙基苯乙腈等为主要原料,分别经过6和7步反应合成了两种连接臂不同的新结构的半抗原,并采用质谱和核磁共振手段对该新化合物进行结构表征;然后通过重氮化和活泼酯法将两种半抗原共价偶联到牛血清白蛋白(BSA)和卵清蛋白(OVA),经过紫外光谱扫描、电泳进行鉴定,证明偶联成功,免疫小鼠结果 IC50值为δ2.4,与相关拟除虫菊酯农药有一定交叉反应,为抗原抗体识别位点和机制的探索提供了新的数据支撑。
Reported in the literature of fenvalerate haptens have a variety of structures, respectively, from fenvalerate diphenyl ether and α-cyano-derived linker artificial synthetic antigen. In order to explore the interaction between the antibody and the target molecule orientation, fenvalerate as a carrier, based on the hapten different connecting arm site, taking into account the diphenyl ether and α-cyano structure common to a variety of pyrethrum pesticides, Therefore, a new hapten was designed from the benzene ring structure of its structure, valencene, and a new hapten was synthesized using α-isopropylbenzeneacetonitrile as the main raw material. After 6 and 7 reaction steps, Then the two haptens were covalently coupled to bovine serum albumin (BSA) by diazotization and active ester method ) And ovalbumin (OVA) were identified by ultraviolet spectrum and electrophoresis. The results showed that the conjugation was successful. The IC50 value of immunized mice was δ2.4, which was cross-reactive with the corresponding pyrethroid pesticides. The exploration of points and mechanisms provides new data support.