Localized CO_2 laser bonding process for MEMS packaging

来源 :Transactions of Nonferrous Metals Society of China | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:paltx3
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The packaging poses a critical challenge for commercialization of MEMS products. Major problems with the packaging process include degraded reliability caused by the excess stress due to thermal mismatch and altered performance of the MEMS device after packaging caused by thermal exposure. The localized laser bonding technique for ceramic MEMS packaging to address above-mentioned challenges was investigated. A continuous wave CO2 laser was used to locally heat sealing material for ceramic MEMS package lid to substrate bonding. To determine the laser power density and scanning speed, finite element analysis thermal models were constructed to simulate the localized laser bonding process. Further, the effect of external pressure at sealing ring on the bonding formation was studied. Pull testing results show that the scanning speed and external pressure have significant influence on the pull strength at the bonding interface. Cross-sectional microscopy of the bonding interface indicates that the packages bonded with relatively low scanning speed and external pressure conditions have higher bonding quality. This research demonstrates the potential of localized laser bonding process for ceramic MEMS packaging. The packaging poses a critical challenge for commercialization of MEMS products. Major problems with the packaging process include degraded reliability caused by the excess stress due to thermal mismatch and altered performance of the MEMS device after packaging caused by thermal exposure. The localized laser bonding technique for ceramic MEMS packaging to address above-mentioned challenges was investigated. A continuous wave CO2 laser was used to locally heat sealing material for ceramic MEMS package lid to substrate bonding. To determine the laser power density and scanning speed, finite element analysis thermal models were constructed Further, the effect of external pressure at sealing ring on the bonding formation was studied. Pull testing results show that the scanning speed and external pressure have a significant influence on the pull strength at the bonding interface. Cross- sectional microscopy of the bonding interface indicates th at the bonding bonded with relatively low scanning speed and external pressure conditions have higher bonding quality. This research demonstrates the potential of localized laser bonding process for ceramic MEMS packaging.
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