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1977年晚季,我组与水稻常规育种组、杂交水稻研究室相结合,对IR_(24)×卷叶稻的F_1代和卷叶稻×IR_(24)的F_1代进行花药培养,同年获得花粉植株。1978年早季,由杂优研究室取其H_1(花粉植株一代)花粉与V_(14)不育系测交结果,具有强恢复力。同年晚季,F_1代在福州种植,表现早熟、高产。1979年春季在海南岛试种,同样表现早熟、抗病、高产。现已分别定名为“单花恢”和“卷花恢”。1979年晚季,杂优室已重点制种,准备1980年进一步扩大示范。“单花恢”与“卷花恢”的选育,从配组合到定型仅用了两年的时间,充分显示了花药培养与新三系选育相结合快速稳定的优越性。“单花恢”与“卷花恢”的培育实践表明,花药培养是新三系快 In the late 1977, in combination with conventional rice breeding group and hybrid rice research group, we conducted anther culture on F_1 generation of IR_ (24) × leafy rice and F_1 generation of leafy rice × IR_ (24) and obtained the same year Pollen plant. The early morning of 1978, by hybrid research laboratory to take its H_1 (pollen plant generation) pollen and V_ (14) sterile line test results, with strong resilience. In the same season the same year, F_1 ​​was planted in Fuzhou, showing early maturity and high yield. Planting in Hainan Island in the spring of 1979, the same performance of early maturity, disease resistance, high yield. Has now been named as “single flower restore” and “flower volume restore.” In the late 1979, the hybrid room had been heavily populated for further expansion of demonstrations in 1980. The breeding of “Single Flower Restoration” and “Volume Flower Restoration” only took two years from combination to setting, which fully demonstrated the advantage of rapid and stable combination of anther culture and new three-line selection. The practice of “Single Flower Restoration” and “Flower Volume Restoration” shows that anther culture is a new three-line system
据美国科罗拉多州科研人员试验,在玉米地里,风、机器操作接触玉米或其他使玉米植株摇动的因素,都会使玉米植株的生长受到不同程度的抑制,从而影响玉米的产 According to Co
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小麦单位面积产量是由每亩穗数(万),每穗粒数(粒)和千粒重(克)三个因素决定的。一般用下面式子表示: 每亩产量=(穗数×粒数×千粒重)/(1000×500) =穗数×粒数×千粒重×0.0