最近,笔者有机会和一位朋友 一起在上海认识了几位文艺界的知 名人士。当他们知道我是来自安徽 安庆时,话锋自然就转到黄梅戏上来。上海文艺界和广大观众对黄梅戏比较熟悉,年过八旬的当代名丑刘斌昆老先生,对黄梅戏更是满腔热情,关怀备至。一九一六年,刘老青年时到过安徽,在铜陵和悦洲随名师赵桐顺老先生学戏。一九二○年后进过徽班,他对黄梅戏的深厚感
Recently, I had the opportunity to meet some friends and famous celebrities in Shanghai. When they knew that I was from Anqing, Anhui Province, Hua Feng naturally turned to the Huangmei opera. Shanghai literary and art circles and the general public are more familiar with the Huangmei opera. The famous famous actor Liu Bin Kun, who was over 80 years old, is even more passionate about the Huangmei opera. In 1916, when Liu Lao was young, he had been to Anhui and studied with Mr. Zhao Tongshun in Tongling and Yuezhou. Into the emblem classes after 1920, his profound sense of Huangmei opera