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为进一步优化课堂教学模式,提高课堂教学效率,以转变教师观念为切入点,以教师的全员积极参与为手段,以培养学生学习能力为目的,全面提高课堂教学质量,化学备课组认真学习了导学案的相关理论,并在日常教学中严格按照学校要求大胆实施,更新教育教学理念,从教师的教转向学生的学,让学生在自主探究中构建自身的知识体系。使大多数学生对化学课由好奇到厌学转向了乐学,学习的积极性和兴趣大为转变,课堂 In order to further optimize the classroom teaching mode and improve the efficiency of classroom teaching, we should change the concept of teachers as the starting point, with the full participation of teachers as a means to cultivate students’ learning ability and improve the quality of classroom teaching in an all-round way. The chemical lesson preparation team conscientiously studied Guide the case of the relevant theory, and in daily teaching in strict accordance with the requirements of the school to implement boldly, update the concept of education and teaching, from teachers to students learning, so that students in their own inquiry to build their own knowledge system. So that most students turned curious toward chemistry by curiosity to chemistry lessons, greatly changed the enthusiasm and interest in learning,
话剧《雷雨》是曹禺的经典作品,故事发端于三十年前周朴园造下的那段孽缘。既然一切皆由此出,那在周朴园心中,他对侍萍有着怎样的情愫呢?   虽然已经过了三十年,侍萍当年为他做的五件衬衣他依然留藏着,侍萍喜欢的家具他保留着,侍萍的生活习惯(关窗户)他延续着,侍萍的生日他谨记着,就连侍萍的名字,他也悄悄地藏在大儿子的名字中……他对自己的初恋爱人似乎有着深深的抹不去的爱意。但当鲁妈在他面前表明自己的身份后,