自从我与郑州大学教授吕致远先生在郑州电视台主讲“寿从笔端来”之后,不少老年朋友来电来信询问书法家为何寿星多的话题。那么,就以我之浅见与朋友们切磋、研讨这个问题。 书法家并非人人长寿,但书法家长寿的居多这也是不争的事实。据报道,医学专家调查结果表明,有18种职业
Since I talked with Professor Lv Zhiyuan from Zhengzhou University about “Shoujiunshi” from Zhengzhou television station, many elderly friends called and asked why calligraphers longevity. Well, with my humble opinion to discuss with friends, to discuss this issue. Calligrapher is not the longevity of all, but the longevity of the majority of calligraphers this is an indisputable fact. According to reports, medical experts survey results show that there are 18 kinds of occupations