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1997年11月美陆军曾推出了“组建21世纪重型师”的方案,但同时宣称这种重型师仍不是美国21世纪陆军所需要的最终形式。而今,美军又推出了组建陆军中型部队的方案。美陆军所指的中型部队是介于重型和轻型部队之间的部队类型,其作战辎重明显小于重型部队,但在战场机动、火力和防护能力上又远大于现有的轻型部队。美军为什么要组建中型部队?中型部队具有怎样的特征?中型部队计划又包括哪些内容?本文试图对这些问题加以探讨。美陆军发展中型部队的背景处于世纪之交的美军正积极寻求未来战场的主动权冷战结束后,美国在欧洲的威胁相对减少,但在巴拿马、海地、索马里、海 In November 1997, the U.S. Army launched the program of “setting up a 21st century heavy division,” but at the same time declared that this heavy division is still not the final form required by the 21st century U.S. Army. Today, the U.S. military has also launched a plan to establish an Army medium-sized unit. The U.S. Army refers to medium-sized units as a unit of force between heavy and light units that are significantly less fatigued than heavy units, but which are far more mobile, fire-and protective than the existing light units on the battlefield. Why did the US military set up a medium-sized force? What are the characteristics of a medium-sized force? What are the medium-sized force plans? This article attempts to discuss these issues. Background of the U.S. Army in Developing Medium Forces At a turn of the century, the U.S. military is actively seeking the initiative of a future battlefield. After the end of the Cold War, the U.S. threat in Europe has been relatively reduced. However, in the United States, Panama, Haiti, Somalia and the United States
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