一、纠纷解决与诉讼制度 众所周知,社会提供的纠纷处理机制呈多元状态,在众多的纠纷解决机制中,诉讼机制由于它具有的国家强制力背景,因此在社会纠纷解决整体系统中占据极为重要的地位。 在近代社会以前,社会解决纠纷的诉讼制度,充满了肆意和不合理的因素。究其原因,在专制统治体制下,肆意和不合理的纠纷解决机制便于君主和统治者们随意操纵。近代资产阶级革命的重大成果之一就是废除随意性很大、完全为君主及统治者任意操纵的腐旧审判制度,而代之以能够表达资产阶级意志的新型审判制度。近代诉讼制度的确立,可以追溯到1806年法国民事诉讼法典,以法国、德国为代表的大陆法系国家的法
I. Dispute Resolution and Litigation System As we all know, the dispute resolution mechanism provided by society is pluralistic. Among the many dispute resolution mechanisms, the litigation mechanism plays a very important role in the overall system of social dispute resolution due to its background of state coercion. status. Before modern society, the litigation system for solving disputes in society was full of wanton and unreasonable factors. The reason for this is that arbitrary and unreasonable dispute resolution mechanisms under arbitrary regimes make it easy for monarchs and rulers to manipulate them arbitrarily. One of the major achievements of the modern bourgeois revolution was to abolish a system of decadent judgments arbitrarily manipulated arbitrarily by monarchs and rulers and replace them with a new system of judgments capable of expressing the will of the bourgeoisie. The establishment of modern litigation system can be traced back to the French Code of Civil Procedure in 1806, the law of civil law countries represented by France and Germany