随着房价的飞涨和进城务工人员的增加,小区车库越来越成为外来打工者青睐的居住场所。然而,这些车库在消防安全上处于“房东不管、物业不问、住户不知”的“三不”状况,故“车库部落”屡遭煤气、火魔等的侵袭。3月2 2日傍晚,江苏省苏州市三元三村一车库内发生了一起因煤气泄漏造成5人中毒死亡的恶性事故,令人震惊。这是又一起车库住人造成的悲剧!近年来,因遭煤气、火魔等侵袭,车库成为夺命房的类似事故屡屡上演。
With the skyrocketing prices and the increase of migrant workers, the community garage has become a popular place for migrant workers. However, these garages are on the fire safety ground and are not under the control of “landlords, property owners and property owners.” The “garage tribe” has repeatedly been hit by gas and fire demon. In the evening of March 22, a fatal accident that killed five people as a result of gas leaks occurred in a garage in Sanyuan Village, Suzhou City, Jiangsu Province was shocking. This is another tragedy caused by the garage occupants! In recent years, due to gas, fire and other attacks, the garage has become a life-saving similar incidents often staged.