The Analysis on the Problems in Middle-School English Education

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  Abstract: Middle-school English education has attracted more and more people’s attention. The education reform in recent years is helpful to middle-school English education to some extent. Meanwhile, because of those limits of the objective conditions, there still lie a lot of problems in the present middle-school English education. Only with a thoroughly analysis on the problems that can we push the education reform forward, thus solve those problems and embrace a new developmental epoch.
  Keywords: middle-school English; Education; Problems
  In the late few years, with a higher quality of the elementary English courses, education reform and social progress have provided us an unprecedented environment for English learning. However, the phenomenon of tired of studying is widespread. Moreover, most of the students are poor in oral English. To face the problems, at first we have to think about them seriously. In this way, we can solve the problems on by one, thus improve the educational reform and make new progresses.
  1. The social context for learning English is still immature
  In China, the English context is the dependency of Chinese context. For instance, in most cases, the English classes, after-school clubs or the summer camps are organized provisionally in order to satisfy the needs of English teaching, they belong to a kind of virtual context or simulative context. Once the students leave school or text books (including various teaching materials and training materials), the context disappears. As a foreign language, English is undoubtedly a language for teaching. It means that English is a language without the need and condition for practical usage. On one hand, in a long period, most of the Chinese people have no need to use English. Although there are more and more people need to use English, the total number will still be small. On the other hand, the idea that wants to learn English and Chinese in the same way, in other words, to learn English as our mother tongue, is unpractical.
  2. The People Orientation thought cannot be implemented efficiently.
  In the Standard of English Course, for the first time, we put forward the idea that English education should be people-oriented. People orientation emphasizes the all-round and sustainable development of students rather than the number of words or sentence patterns a student can memorize. All useful men are in good behaviors and English education also need to be respondent to it as well. In fact, not only should English education aim at teaching students English language, but also at helping students develop all-roundedly.   Just as what is said in the new Standard of English Course about the purpose of the elementary English courses,...should aim at enabling students to acquire basic language knowledge and skills, to gain a sense of language initially, to obtain ability of using basic language, to develop intelligence. Ignoring the people orientation thought, we may simply go into utilitarianism and exam orientationism, consequently, English study becomes a duty with fun and students may easily become tired of studies and fidgety.
  3. English education takes a teacher-centered mode
  Since English study is very practical, it must emphasize students to be active in learning, experiencing and exercising, but not to concentrate on the teachers’ teaching. At present, many schools still takes the teacher-centered mode, which impedes the development of English education.
  Middle-school English education should lead the students to join in the process of study and make them to be the subjects of study. This is the so-called “Experiential Learning”, it relies on the students to experience and comprehend. It requires us to construct the mode of English teaching according to the practices of the students. Firstly, we should change the educational thoughts and update our educational concepts, fully arousing the students’ enthusiasm and creativity. Only in this way that can we develop the students’ interest in English study and better follow the rule of language learning, thus get the twice result with half the effort.
  4. Emphasize more on the results of the exams than on the process of study
  Affected by many kinds of exams, we have made the mistake to regard English learning as the means of getting the entrance of further education. If the students study English hard just want to pass the exams, it will be very dangerous. Using language is not a result but a process, since we emphasize the use of language, what we should focus on is the process but not the result.
  Modern English education requires a whole process of language learning and using for students. In the process, we should not only concentrate on “What to learn” but also “how to learn” and “how to use”, that means how to listen, talk, read and write. To give a lesson does not mean make the students know the text’s context, grammars and words, but make them know how to learn it by themselves.
  5. Listening is one of the hardest
  As for Chinese middle school teachers and students, listening is the hardest in English study for the following reasons:   Firstly, disturbing by the mother tongue
  When doing listening, the majority of students prefer translating the listening materials sentence by sentence into Chinese to transforming the language information into some certain scenes. That is to say, they cannot think in an English way and doing translation while listening must have a bad effect on students’ reaction, memorization and comprehension.
  Secondly, lacking the study of English language and culture
  In order to English well, students need to acquire some basic knowledge of English and American history and literature, since English is a kind of foreign language for Chinese students. Moreover, they need to know some customs and life styles of people in Western countries. Many high school students find listening skills are really hard to improve because of their insufficient knowledge of foreign culture. As a result, many of them even feel puzzle about some basic issues.
  Thirdly, being weak in basic language knowledge
  While listening, students’ levels of mastering basic language knowledge determine students’ comprehension and reaction. Some students do not grasp the right pronunciation of each word from the very beginning. As time went by, they may find it even harder to distinguish sound from sound, especially when two words are sounded similarly. Some English teachers are speaking in a very slow way and thus may lead to a serious situation that their students may it hard to get used to normal speed in the English exams. The vocabulary ranges of students and how well they master them and polysemy and homophony in listening may also make it harder for students to understand the listening materials.
  Fourthly, psychological stress
  The comprehension of listening is a complex psychological process. When a person becomes very nervous, it appears the dread feeling. In this situation, he may get puzzled with the context he could have understood. Middle school students are generally nervous when they are doing listening exercises, thus makes it more difficult to listen clearly.
汉语拼音是帮助学生识字和学习普通话的工具。汉语拼音学得如何,对于以后学习语文知识有着直接的影响。传统的拼音教学是学生机械地记忆、枯燥地读。教师的指导仅仅体现在领读上,而新的拼音教学应该从多种方法上,让拼音教学鲜活起来。所以,在对低年级的几年拼音教学工程中,我对拼音教学有了新的认识。  一、利用多彩的游戏,提高学习新的发现  从儿童心理发展特点来看,初入学的孩子在知觉、记忆方面还带有很大的直观性,形
摘要 小学数学应用题是教学的重点,又是教学的难点。因此在总复习中它至关重要。应用题的系统复习有助于学生理解概念,掌握数量关系,培养和提高分析问题、解决问题的能力。现就多年来的教学实践,对应用题的复习教学浅淡几点体会。  关键词 小学数学 应用题 训练  一、强化基础训练,掌握数量关系  基本的数量关系是指加、减、乘、除法的基本应用,比如:求两个数量相差多少,用减法解答;求一个数是另一个数的百分之几
摘 要 创新意识是多种思维方式交融的结晶,在创造活动中起关键作用,是创造能力的核心内容。现代教育的一个重要目标就是培养儿童的创造品质,使其具有创新意识和创新能力。创新能力是人的能力中最重要、最宝贵、层次最高的一种能力。它包含着多方面的因素,其核心因素是创新思考能力。  关键词 创新意识 知识积累 灵感 想象  一、重视知识积累 培养创新意识  一个人的知识经验越丰富,创新意识产生的机会就越多。直觉
摘 要 应用题是小学数学中的重要教学内容,应用题的解答能使学生所掌握的基础理论知识和基本对数的认识运用于解题中,对培养学生理解数学知识,发展学生的思维能力,培养良好的思维品质,并运用数学知识解决实际问题等多方面都具有重要意义。  关键词 小学数学 应用题 提问能力 培养 对策  在应用题的教学中,教师应激发学生学习的积极性,让他们在自主探索中理解和掌握基本的数学知识和技能。因此,在小学数学应用题教
一、体育教学中的表扬与批评  表扬与批评是教师在教学过程中所采用的一种必不可少的教育手段,也是对学生所掌握体育的基础知识、基本技术和基本技能给以肯定或否定的评价。采取相应的表扬与批评,有助于提高体育教学效果,有助于树立教师的威信,有助于促进师生关系,有助于学生认识自己的优缺点。不然,就会适得其反。因此教师必须正确地运用表扬与批评的手段,注意表扬与批评运用的艺术性、合理性。一是表扬面要宽、批评面宜窄
摘 要 随着教学改革的不断深入发展,新的课程标准明确要求:老师和学生要以课堂教学为有效的切入点,进一步落实新课标,从而可以提高学生的学习效果和老师的教学效果的有效性,进一步提高初中物理课堂有效性教学。接下来,笔者将根据自己多年的教学经验,详细论述一下初中物理课堂的有效性教学方法。  关键词 初中物理 课堂教学 有效 教学方法  教学的主要目的就是为了培养学生们能够自主的进行学习,自己研究、自己观察
学习兴趣的培养对于中学生英语学习至关重要。现阶段中学生学习英语的喜欢度不高,自主学习能力差。在英语教学过程中,应当采取不同的方法,提高学生英语学习的兴趣。  随着社会生活的信息化和经济的全球化,使英语的重要性日益突出。新形势下的教育呼唤着新型的英语教育与教学的改革,作为一名英语教师,如何培养学生学习英语的兴趣这是我们英语教师的责任。目前,高一英语教学,正面临新课程改革,这对我来说既是机遇,又是挑战