石化业规划精细化高端化路线 专家:13种标志性产品是方向,创新与合作是手段

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“十三五”期间,我国石化转型升级的重点方向是加快专用化学品等精细化工产品的研发,发展技术含量高、附加值高且能够替代进口的个性化和差异化的小众产品,满足细分市场对产品差异化的具体需求,实现行业转型升级。这是在5月25日举行的中国(濮阳)石化产业精细化发展大会上,业内专家达成的共识。石油和化学工业规划院副院长白颐认为,石化行业“十三五”规划首次把发展速度与GDP增速 During the “13th Five-Year Plan” period, the key direction for the transformation and upgrading of China’s petrochemical industry will be to speed up the R & D of fine chemical products such as specialty chemicals and to develop personalized and differentiated niche products with high technical value, high added value and import substitution , To meet the specific needs of the market segments of product differentiation, to achieve industry restructuring and upgrading. This is the consensus reached by industry experts at the Fine Development Conference of China’s petrochemical industry (Puyang) held on May 25. Petroleum and Chemical Industry Planning Institute, Bai Yi, vice president believes that the petrochemical industry, “13th Five-Year Plan” for the first time to the pace of development and GDP growth