
来源 :临床耳鼻咽喉科杂志 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:rangman
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目的 :探讨耳蜗电图 (ECoch G)在梅尼埃病诊断中听力损失程度和类型 ,对交替短声诱发的负性总和电位 (SP)与动作电位 (AP)比值 (SP/ AP)的影响。方法 :采用鼓膜电极耳蜗电图描记术 ,对梅尼埃病 90耳 (梅尼埃病组 )和其他原因感音神经性聋 6 0耳 (感音神经性聋组 )及正常听力 5 0耳 (正常对照组 )记录了 AP和 SP各参数 ,对结果进行对照分析。结果 :AP潜伏期 3组差异无显著性 ,AP振幅正常对照组高于梅尼埃病组和感音神经性聋组 (P <0 .0 5 ) ,SP振幅正常对照组高于感音神经性聋组 (P <0 .0 1)而低于梅尼埃病组 (P <0 .0 1)。SP/ AP振幅比值梅尼埃病组 (48.0 9± 14 .38) % ,明显高于感音神经性聋组 (2 0 .0 2± 15 .0 0 ) %和正常对照组 (2 3.85±8.0 5 ) % ,(均 P <0 .0 1)。梅尼埃病组 SP/ AP比值与主观纯音听阈呈正相关 (r =0 .5 6 0 1,P <0 .0 1) ,其异常率为 73%。梅尼埃病不同听力损失组中 ,SP/ AP比值轻度耳聋组低于中度和中重度组 (均 P <0 .0 1) ,后两组差异无显著性意义 (P >0 .0 5 )。低频型低于平坦型 (P <0 .0 5 ) ,高频型和前两型相比差异无显著性意义。结论 :SP/ AP振幅比值异常增大有助于梅尼埃病的临床诊断 ,在一定范围内随听阈提高而增大 ,必须有足够的残余听力才能记录质量好的图形。? Objective: To investigate the effect of ECoch G on the severity and type of hearing loss in the diagnosis of Meniere’s disease and the effects of alternating short beats on SP and AP / AP . Methods: Eardrum electrocautery electrogram was used to evaluate the clinical effects of 90 patients with Meniere’s disease (Meniere’s disease) and 60 patients with sensorineural hearing loss (sensorineural deafness) and other normal hearing loss (Normal control group) recorded the AP and SP parameters, the results were analyzed. Results: There was no significant difference in the AP latency between the three groups. The AP amplitude was higher in the normal control group than in the Meniere ’s disease group and the sensorineural hearing loss group (P <0.05). The SP amplitude was higher in the normal control group than in the sensorineural neurosis Deaf group (P <0.01) but lower than Meniere’s disease group (P <0.01). The SP / AP amplitude ratio was significantly higher in Meniere’s disease group (48.0 9 ± 14.38%) than in sensorineural hearing loss group (20.02 ± 15.0%) and in normal control group (2.83 ± 8.0 5)%, (all P <0.01). There was a positive correlation between the SP / AP ratio of the Meniere’s disease group and the subjective threshold of pure tone (r = 0.5601, P <0.01), with an abnormal rate of 73%. Meniere’s disease in different hearing loss group, SP / AP ratio mild deafness group was lower than the moderate and severe group (P <0.01), the difference between the latter two groups was not significant (P> 0 .0 5). Low-frequency type is lower than flat type (P <0. 05), high-frequency type compared with the former two no significant difference. Conclusion: The abnormal increase of amplitude of SP / AP contributes to the clinical diagnosis of Meniere ’s disease. Within a certain range, it increases with the increase of hearing threshold. There must be enough residual hearing ability to record the good quality graph. ?
我最喜欢小时候的一张照片,在一片花海中,父亲抱着我,我的手里攥着一朵璀璨的小花,我笑着,父亲也笑着。  然而,后来因为那件事以后,我与父亲总是拧巴着,我拧巴着,父亲也拧巴着,我们就这样拧巴了半辈子,直到他永远离开我。  “你不是我的亲爸爸,是吗?!”  那是我5岁时的除夕夜,全家20多口子人都到姥姥姥爷家过节。我和舅舅家的女儿小莉因为比谁的灯笼漂亮而争执了起来,推搡中她突然说:“臭美什么呀,再美你
患者 ,女 ,2 0岁。于 1 991年 9月 8日被他人用刀刺伤头面、背部及右手臂多处 ,尤以左颊部颞颌关节与耳屏间伤势为重 ,出血较剧。1 h后送至县医院 ,因患者已休克 ,血压 30 /0
目的 :进一步探讨鼓室内注射庆大霉素治疗经保守治疗无效的梅尼埃病的疗效。方法 :选取 12例此种患者于鼓室内注射庆大霉素 (每 2~ 3d1次 ,连续 2~ 5次 ) ,密切观察临床症状、
目的 观察左西孟旦治疗脓毒症休克并心肌抑制患者的临床效果.方法 选取医院收治的脓毒症休克合并心肌抑制患者84例,随机分为观察组和对照组,每组42例.对照组给予多巴酚丁胺注