搬入新居不知不觉已有两年多时间了,我的终极HI-FI系统经过大半年的调校磨合,声音表现渐入佳景。不但欣赏音乐的时间越来越长,看影碟的时间也逐渐多了起来。虽然新一代“盟主”的“OPUS”这对箱子表现已相当之全面,解析力高,音色亮丽,营造气氛场感特别漂亮,应付各种火爆场面的瞬变一点也不含糊,用hi-end级2声道系统欣赏音乐DVD当然是相当惬意,而播放大片时的音效也胜任有余,但是始终无法领略到dts,Dolby Digi-tal那卓著的动感和包围感,不免有些遗憾。而且用34寸电视,在五米开外观赏着那34英寸电视机的细小画面,与声场的规模在感觉上越发不成比例,终于进入建立以大画
Moved into the new home unknowingly more than two years ago, my ultimate HI-FI system after more than six months of adjustment run, sound performance getting better. Not only enjoy the music more and more time, watch the video of the time gradually increased. Although the new generation of “OPUS” “OPUS” the box has been quite comprehensive performance, high resolution, beautiful tone, creating a sense of the atmosphere is particularly beautiful, to deal with a variety of hot scenes of the transient is not ambiguous, with hi-end Class 2-channel system to enjoy music DVD of course is quite comfortable, and play the sound when the block is also more than competent, but always can not enjoy the dts, Dolby Digi-tal that outstanding dynamic and surrounded by feeling, can not help but regrettable. And with the 34-inch TV, watching the appearance of the 34-inch TV at a distance of 5 meters, the scale of the sound field is becoming increasingly disproportionate. At last,