青霉素过敏在临床上时有发生.重者常来势迅速、剧烈,医务人员稍有疏忽,即可影响生命,10年来我们抢救31例,均成功。临床资料 31例中,男18例,女13例,年龄6~71岁。原发病扁桃体炎11例,上呼吸道感染6例,支气管炎5例,泌尿系感染3例,其他感染6例。发生过敏反应的时间:5分钟以内21例,5分钟至10分钟6例,11分钟至2小时4例,有青霉素过敏史者5例,磺胺药及解热止疼药过敏者各1例。皮肤试验过敏10例。肌肉注射过敏21例。
Penicillin allergy occurs clinically from time to time.He often come quickly, severe, medical staff a little negligence can affect life, 10 years we rescue 31 cases were successful. Clinical data 31 cases, 18 males and 13 females, aged 6 to 71 years. Eleven cases of tonsillitis in 11 cases, upper respiratory tract infection in 6 cases, bronchitis in 5 cases, urinary tract infection in 3 cases, 6 cases of other infections. Allergic reaction time: 21 cases in less than 5 minutes, 6 cases in 5 minutes to 10 minutes, 4 cases in 11 minutes to 2 hours, 5 cases with history of penicillin allergy, 1 case in each of sulfa drugs and antipyretic analgesics. Skin test allergy in 10 cases. Muscle injection allergy in 21 cases.