滇杂46是云南农业大学稻作研究所利用育性稳定的合系42-7 A不育系与强恢复系南46组配育成的三系杂交粳稻新组合,该组合株型紧凑,剑叶挺直,耐倒伏;生育期和株高适中,全生育期174 d,熟相好;蒸煮品质好,食味佳、冷饭不回生;田间稻瘟病和白叶枯病抗性强;超亲优势和竞争优势明显,产量高;适应性和适应范围广。于2011年通过云南省农作物品种审定委员会审定(审定编号:滇审稻2011007)。文中介绍了该组合的选育过程、特征特性、栽培及制种技术。
Dianza 46 is a new three-line japonica hybrid rice combination developed by the Institute of Rice Research, Yunnan Agricultural University, which has a stable fertility line 42-7 A and a strong restorer line Nan46. , Resistant to lodging; moderate growth period and plant height, the whole growth period of 174 d, good cooked good; good cooking quality, good taste, cold rice does not come back; field rice blast and bacterial leaf blight resistance; super-pro and competitive advantages Obviously, high yield; adaptability and wide range of adaptation. In 2011 through the Yunnan Provincial Crop Variety Approval Committee for validation (validation number: Yunnan audit paddy 2011007). This article describes the combination of breeding process, characteristics, cultivation and seed production techniques.