概述了三种不同介质隔离式压力传感器的温度性能比的测试结果。该测试不仅在指定的补偿温度范围内 ,而且还在拓宽的温度范围内进行。选用两种自产型号及一种其他品牌的传感器来完成此实验。实验结果表明 ,选用超稳定的压力芯片加以优秀封装设计的IC压力传感器在温度性能方面具有极大的优越性。另外 ,对IC传感器中新型介质隔离式压力传感器进行了详尽的介绍。
The test results of the temperature performance ratio of three different media-isolated pressure sensors are summarized. The test is performed not only within the specified compensation temperature range but also over a wide temperature range. Choose two self-produced models and one other brand of sensor to complete this experiment. The experimental results show that the IC pressure sensor with excellent package design with ultra-stable pressure chip has great superiority in temperature performance. In addition, the IC sensor in a new media-isolated pressure sensor for a detailed introduction.