僵人综合征又称全身性肌强直综合征,为一种罕见的疾病。到目前为止,见于英美文献仅50余例,国内仅报告4例。临床上主要表现为进行性、波动性肢体强直,关节活动受限,对称性的骨骼僵硬、抽搐、痛性肌痉挛等。杭州市第一医院内科神经组金石等1981年6月收治1例,报告如下: 齐××、男,16岁,农民,住院号:200726。因两下肢发麻刺痛,行路空虚感半月,于1981年6月19日入院。患者在1次砍柴淋雨后受凉,曾发热。半月来感腰以下至双足疼痛、发麻,坐位时髋、臀部疼痛,行路空虚感,且症状进行性加重。入院时体检:神志清,智力好,精神无异常,心肺无特殊发现,腹软、肝脾未触及,脊柱及四肢关节无畸形及红肿。颅神经(-),四肢肌力正常,肌张力增高,腱反射(++)、对称。全身深浅感觉无异常,位置觉、振动觉正常。颈软,克氏征(-),反复轮替指鼻试验(-),步行缓慢,呈轻度移行,眼底视神经乳头边界清。实验室检查:脑脊液压力184毫米水柱,常规检查见无色透明,细胞数8个/毫米~3,蛋白(-)。生化检查见氯化物72毫克%,糖106毫克%,蛋白35.7毫
Stiff human syndrome, also known as generalized myotonic syndrome, is a rare condition. So far, only seen in Anglo-American literature of more than 50 cases, only 4 cases reported in China. The main clinical manifestations of progressive, fluctuating limb rigidity, joint activity is limited, the symmetry of the bones stiffness, convulsions, painful muscle spasms. The first hospital of Hangzhou Medical Science Group stone and other Jinshi in June 1981 admitted to 1 case, the report is as follows: Qi × ×, male, 16 years old, farmer, hospital number: 200726. Due to tingling of two lower extremities, the road to a sense of emptiness, on June 19, 1981 admission. The patient caught cold after cutting firewood and had a fever. Half a month to the waist below the feet to pain, numbness, sitting hip, buttocks pain, road emptiness, and the progressive increase in symptoms. Physical examination on admission: Consciousness, good intelligence, no abnormal mental, cardiopulmonary no special discovery, abdominal soft, liver and spleen not touched, spine and limbs without deformity and swelling. Cranial nerve (-), normal muscle strength of the limbs, increased muscle tone, tendon reflexes (++), symmetry. No abnormality of the whole body feeling of depth, position feel, vibration normal. Neck soft, Kirschner sign (-), repeated rotation of the nose test (-), walking slowly, showed mild migration, fundus optic disc border clear. Laboratory tests: cerebrospinal fluid pressure 184 mm water column, see the colorless and transparent conventional examination, the number of cells 8 / mm ~ 3, protein (-). Biochemical tests see chloride 72 mg%, sugar 106 mg%, protein 35.7 milligrams