美育即审美教育 ,是教育事业中不可缺少的组成部分。作为一种教育活动 ,美育能帮助学生从审美的角度获得对自然和社会的认识 ,以达到启迪智慧 ,辨明是非的目的 ,从而培养出具有高尚道德情操的人。因此 ,在应试教育向素质教育转轨时期 ,美育已成为全社会的共识 ,并引起了极大的
Aesthetic education, that is, aesthetic education, is an indispensable part of education. As an educational activity, aesthetic education can help students gain knowledge of nature and society from the aesthetic point of view, in order to achieve wisdom, identify the purpose of right and wrong, and thus cultivate people with noble moral sentiments. Therefore, during the transition from exam-oriented education to quality education, aesthetic education has become the consensus of the whole society and has caused great