自1985年以来,我们采用国产尿激酶行球内注射,先后治疗9例玻璃体出血病人,取得了满意疗效,报告如下。本文9例中,男6例,女3例,年龄12~51岁。其中6例为眼底出血引起玻璃体出血,3例为外伤致玻璃体出血。9例的术前视力均为手动,均经过用各种方法治疗半年以上无明显效果。采用球内注射尿激酶的方法治疗。在局麻下剪开外侧球结膜,在颞上或颞下象限角膜缘后6mm 处,与角膜缘平行切开巩膜1/2板层,切口长约3mm,切口周围电灼止血与透热。在
Since 1985, we use domestic urokinase line ball injection, has treated 9 patients with vitreous hemorrhage, and achieved satisfactory results, the report is as follows. This article 9 cases, 6 males and 3 females, aged 12 to 51 years. Among them, 6 cases had vitreous hemorrhage caused by fundus hemorrhage and 3 cases had vitreous hemorrhage caused by trauma. Nine cases of preoperative visual acuity were manual, after all treatment with more than six months no significant effect. Using intra-urokinase injection method of treatment. Under local anesthesia, the lateral bulbar conjunctiva was cut off, and the sclera 1/2 layer was cut parallel to the corneal limbus at a position 6mm above the temporal superior or inferior temporal quadrant of the limbus. The incision was about 3mm long. The epidural hemostasis around the incision was completed. in