
来源 :科技展望 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:roseisdead
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教学结构改革一直是教育改革的焦点。随着许多优质课程资源对普通用户的免费开放,全民学习的时代到来了。在这种情形下,国外已经开展了教学结构改革的相关研究,国内对于信息化环境下教学结构改革的研究还刚刚兴起。本文基于对国外可汗学院、翻转课堂的分析研究,提出适应国内课堂教学结构改革的模型,并分析模型的结构、元素及应用。 The reform of teaching structure has always been the focus of education reform. With the free access of many high-quality course resources to ordinary users, the era of universal learning has arrived. Under such circumstances, foreign countries have carried out relevant research on the reform of teaching structure and the domestic research on the reform of teaching structure under the informational environment has just begun. Based on the analysis and study of Khan Academy and Flip Class in foreign countries, this paper proposes a model that adapts to the reform of classroom teaching structure in China and analyzes the structure, elements and applications of the model.