由~(241)Am-Be中子源、锂玻璃探测器和微机多道谱仪等组成的实验装置,测量了不同石蜡(模拟油垢)厚度的散射中子计数.同时用蒙特卡罗模拟,分别对~(241)Am-Be中子源、~(252)Cf中子源和14MeV中子源,计算得到了相似几何条件下,对应于不同石蜡(模拟油垢)厚度的散射中子计数.在模拟计算中,考虑了锂玻璃探测器的探测效率.对实验和模拟计算的结果进行了比较和讨论.“,”A set of scattered neutron counts corresponding to different paraffin (simulated grease stain) thicknesses was obtained by using an experiment setup, which consists of a neutron source of ~(241)Am-Be,a Li-glass detector and a micro-computerized multi-channel spectrometer etc. In addition, by using Monte-Carlo program with the similar geometry, scattered neutron counts for different paraffin thicknes-ses were obtained for a ~(241)Am-Be energy spectrum, a ~(252)Cf spectrum and a 14MeV spectrum. In simula-tion, the detection efficiency of the Li-glass detector was considered. Comparison and discussion were carried out between the experimental and simulation results.