以前就是这样,如果手机更新换代,加进了新的功能,相应地就会使用新的接口,很是麻烦。直到有了通用的接口,这种情况才有所改观。现在,一个厂商的多款产品都使用同样的配件接口,这样新的手机也可使用原来的耳机、数据线、充电器以及其他很多配件产品。这就是通用接口的功劳! 通用接口:有了通用接口,
It used to be the case that if a cell phone was to be replaced and a new function was added, the new interface would be used accordingly and it was troublesome. Until there is a common interface, this situation has changed. Now, a variety of products from a manufacturer use the same accessory interface, so the new phone can also use the original headset, data cable, charger and many other accessories. This is the credit for the universal interface! Universal Interface: With a common interface,