Not long ago, the “fire 2016 · Shandan B” trans-regional base-level exercise started in a Gobi Desert in the northwest. The 26th Army Brigadier-General and allied with the 107th Hospital field medical team consisting of brigade rescue paramedics throughout the exercise to protect. The ambulances close to the exercise task to do a variety of disposal plans, as well as the preparation of materials and equipment, after receiving the order, immediately by rail and road two ways trip 2800 kilometers to the assembly area. During the battlefield maneuvers and the actual enemy confrontation, a total of 5 deployments were carried out, withdrawals and transfers were carried out in addition to the medical service support of all the echelon forces. Batch batches, personnel replacement, field operations, epidemic situation disposal and blood collection were also completed. A guide situation, participating in the 5 strong rescue ambulance obtained only