中华人民共和国行业标准《档案馆指南编制规范》(国家档案局编制)发布已有几年的时间了。它在逐渐兴起的各级各类型档案馆编制本馆《档案馆指南》的热潮中,发挥了不可或缺的作用。 我馆于1989年被国家档案局选定为《档案馆指南编制规范》标准试点馆。在国家档案局的指导和关怀下,我们紧紧依据《规范》,经过数年的辛勤劳动,已于1991年底完成了七十余万字的《湖北省档案馆指南》书稿的编写工作,并报送国家档案局,作为“中国档案馆指南系列丛书”中的一本,由档案出版社出版。我们在编书的过程中,须臾不离《规范》。实践使我们认识到,
People’s Republic of China industry standard “guideline preparation archives” (prepared by the National Archives) has been released for several years. It has played an indispensable role in the craze of the “Archives Guide” compiled by various types of archives at various levels that are gradually emerging. Our library was selected by the National Archives as the “Standard Guide for Archives Guide” pilot project in 1989. Under the guidance and care of the State Archives Bureau, following the “norms” closely and after years of hard work, we completed the preparation of the manuscript of the “Guide to Hubei Provincial Archives” of more than 700,000 words by the end of 1991 and reported To the National Archives, as “China Archives Guide Series” in a book published by the Archives. We are in the process of compiling books, we should not leave the “norms.” Practice makes us realize that,