建立预警机制的意义1 我国企业面对机遇和挑战的客观需要应当看到,WTO在提倡有序(按一定游戏规则)的贸易自由化的同时,在合法目标原则下也允许各成员采用一些合理的贸易保护措施,以维护本国或本地区的应有利益。从贸易关税的角度,当前世界工业制成品的关税平均税率水平已从1947
The Significance of Establishing an Early Warning Mechanism 1 The Objective Needs of Chinese Enterprises in Face of Opportunities and Challenges It should be noted that WTO, while promoting orderly (according to certain rules of the game) trade liberalization, allows members to adopt some reasonable principles Trade protection measures to safeguard the proper interests of their own country or region. From the trade tariff point of view, the average tariff rate of the world’s manufactured goods has risen from 1947