Preliminary Study on Detecting the SARS-CoV Specific Target cDNA Fragments by Multiplex PCR

来源 :Genomics Proteomics & Bioinformatics | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:chenken2725115
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The multiplex polymerase chain reaction (PCR) technique was applied to detect the SARS-CoV (severe acute respiratory syndrome-associated coronavirus) specific target cDNA fragments in the present study. The target cDNA fragments of SARS-CoV were synthesized artificially according to the genome sequence of SARS-CoV in GenBank submitted by The Chinese University of Hong Kong, and were used as simulated positive samples. Five primers recommended by World Health Organization (WHO) were used to amplify the fragments by single PCR and multiplex PCR. Three target cDNA fragments (121, 182 and 302 bp), as well as the three different combinations of any two of these fragments, were amplified by single PCR. The combination of these three fragments was amplified by multiplex PCR. The results indicated that the multiplex PCR technique could be applied to detect the SARS-CoV specific target cDNA fragments successfully. The multiplex polymerase chain reaction (PCR) technique was applied to detect the SARS-CoV (severe acute respiratory syndrome-associated coronavirus) specific target cDNA fragments in the present study. The target cDNA fragments of SARS-CoV were synthesized artificially according to the genome sequence of SARS-CoV in GenBank submitted by The Chinese University of Hong Kong, and were used as simulated positive samples. Five primers recommended by World Health Organization (WHO) were used to amplify the fragments by single PCR and multiplex PCR. Three target cDNA fragments (121, 182 and 302 bp), as well as the three different combinations of any two of these fragments, were amplified by single PCR. The combination of these three fragments was amplified by multiplex PCR. The results indicated that the multiplex PCR technique could be applied to detect the SARS-CoV specific target cDNA fragments successfully.
一、预算的形式与内容 中央预算从2000年开始选择四个部门试编部门预算,2001年进一步扩大编制的部门范围。一个部门只编一本预算,由财政部的一个司具体管理。同时,地方也从2
通过室内饲养和大田观察 ,总结出七星瓢虫在奎屯垦区一年发生 2代 ,以成虫越冬 ,且在长日照情况下出现生殖滞育和蛰伏越夏的习性 ,研究证实了七星瓢虫各虫态发育历期分别为卵
一、关于“公共财政”的提法 我认为,古今中外,财政就是国家财政、政府财政,因其天然具有公共属性,所以也是公共财政,它们是同义的。但是,随着生产力水平、经济制度和经济体