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今年适逢中国共产党成立90周年,为庆祝中国共产党90华诞,从3月起,中图社在深入开展创先争优活动的同时,积极引导全社党员干部唱响共产党好、社会主义好、改革开放好的时代主旋律,织开展了庆祝中国共产党成立90周年“五个一”系列庆祝活动,即:讲一次党课、举办一次知识竞赛、开展一次红歌比赛、组织一次主题活动、观看一部影视文献片。 This year coincides with the 90th anniversary of the founding of the Chinese Communist Party. In celebration of the 90th anniversary of the founding of the Chinese Communist Party, since March, while conducting in-depth activities aimed at creating superiority and superiority, CTU has been actively guiding the party members and cadres throughout the entire society to sing well the Communist Party and socialism. Open a good era of the main theme of the organization to carry out the celebration of the 90th anniversary of the founding of the Chinese Communist “five one ” series of celebrations, namely: talk about a class, hold a knowledge contest, a red song contest, organize a thematic activities, watch a Film and television documentary.
<正>在普通水泥砂浆成型工艺的基础上,合理地改进工艺制度,掺加适量的聚合物聚丙烯酰胺(PAM)和硅灰进行增韧增强,并用适当的养护制度,成功制得了抗弯强度30MPa 的复合材料。
目的 测定新型恶唑烷酮化合物对临床分离的广泛耐药结核分枝杆菌的抗菌活性。方法 采用7H10培养基进行体外菌落培养及最小抑菌浓度测定。采用BALB/c小鼠攻毒结核分枝杆菌模型