Many hematologists aim to subdivide acute leukemia into different subtypes in relation to the prognosis of leukemia. However, the correctness of the diagnosis of these categories subject to collective discussion to determine. A group of five hematologists in South Wales, UK, used a less complex classification of leukemias to examine blood and bone marrow pieces from 456 patients diagnosed with leukemia or myeloma. In the beginning, they would not discuss with each other and put forward their own disagreements; if there is any disagreement, they will go through a group discussion to make a final diagnosis. The authors collectively classified leukemia as acute myeloid leukemia, acute lymphoblastic leukemia, chronic lymphocytic leukemia, chronic myelogenous leukemia and other leukemias; acute myelogenous leukemia is subdivided into six subtypes: acute myeloid leukemia (M_2 ~ *), acute myelomonocytic leukemia (M_4 ~ *), acute undifferentiated leukemia (M_1 ~ *),