中央电大教材《英语》第三册总的来说,不失为一本有电大特色的教材,课文内容广泛而富有趣味,各种练习不落俗套,比传统的公外教材有很大的改进。不过,笔者认为教材仍有个别地方值得商榷,有些叙述似乎不够严谨。现摘录书中两处原文,附上笔者的观点,以供各位同行参考: P.28原文:used to不能用来表达只发生了一次并发生得非常快的动作。这样的表述不够全面。学生或许会问,used to不能用来表达只发生了一次的动
Generally speaking, it is a teaching material with the characteristics of TVU. The texts are extensive and interesting, and all kinds of exercises are unconventional and have been greatly improved over the traditional public teaching materials. However, I think there are still some places where textbooks are debatable, and some of the narratives seem not rigorous enough. Excerpts from the book are two original text, attached to the author’s point of view, for your colleagues reference: P.28 Original: used to can not be used to express once occurred and occurred very fast action. This statement is not comprehensive enough. Students may ask, used to can not be used to express that only happened once the move