环境中 ̄(222)Rn活度水平及居民剂量的估算陈惠英,李相镐,李雨(吉林省卫生防疫站,长春)近几年国内外都开展环境氡的监测,人们关心的是氡及予体水平,因为它是诱发肺癌的重要因素。本文采用日本名古屋大学研制的静电累积氡子体探测器,累积测定人群工作室和居...
(222) Estimation of Rn Activity Level and Inhabitant Dose CHEN Hui-ying, LI Xiang-ho, LI Yu (Jilin Provincial Health and Epidemic Prevention Station, Changchun) In recent years, environmental radon monitoring has been carried out at home and abroad. People are concerned about radon and pre-body Level, because it is an important factor inducing lung cancer. In this paper, Japan’s Nagoya University developed electrostatic cumulative detector of radon progenitors, the cumulative determination of the crowd studio and home ...